My Profile

Birthplace: Chadron, NE
Birthday: 10/14/78
Parents: Divorced
Siblings: 2 brothers
Places I've Lived: Chadron, NE(three times), Scottsbluff, NE(twice), Broken Bow, NE, New Castle, CO, Custer, SD, Guernsey, WY, and Flint, MI
Currently living in Chadron, NE
Education: High School Graduate, 1 term at GMI Engineering and Management Institute(now Kettering University)
Interests: All sports(especially football), computers, the female body, military technology(especially auronoutics and explosives)
Stats: I'm a little over 6' tall, between 190-200lbs., dark blond hair and greenish-blue eyes.
If you have anything else you want to know about me just me know,or if you want you can head back to the center